Doing an inspection before tackling each assignment helps JubileeScape associates identify and use opportunities to Make An Impression. Here are just a few of the opportunities found recently and what our associates did about them.
Making An Impression At the Entrance
Emmanuel noticed that a business entrance could make a better impression with the cypress trees limbed, new color planted in the beds, limbed trees by the entrance sign and the hollies behind the sign treated for scale. Operations Manager Charles scheduled the color and prepared a list of and schedule for all of the other work. Then he met with the customer and reviewed it. The color has already been planted and other work is underway.
Keeping An Eye Out For Fungus
Fungus making a start on an otherwise perfect lawn caught the eye of JubileeScape associates as they conducted their routine inspection at a commercial site. Identification of the fungus species led to its frequent cause – too much water. JubileeScape associates examined the lawn’s older irrigation system and found it delivered too much water in the affected area. They set this section up to run on its own watering schedule. Within two weeks this section of lawn was the same beautiful green as the rest.
Fixing The Sad Appearance Of Scalped Bushes
On their first inspection after taking over a new assignment, JubileeScape’s associates found the shrubs where long and sparse at the tops and thick and matted inside. They went to work reversing the effects of years of mechanical shearing of the top growth. Using hand shears to thin the interiors, they carefully cut the right branches and twigs in places where lateral growth would occur. Within a month the client mentioned how the landscaping was making an impression on her and her customers.
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