Irrigation Control Systems
Many types of irrigation control systems are available today. Traditional controls use set time periods alone to determine the amount of watering in zones. Modern controls, recommended by JubileeScape, sense rainfall and other moisture and adjust the amount of water delivered. They can be managed by handheld devices including cell phones.
JubileeScape’s experienced associates can help you decide on the best control system for your property whether you already have an irrigation system or you are now installing one. Over watering occurs far more frequently than under watering. JubileeScape associates can help you understand the right amount of water for each part of your landscape, use modern irrigation controllers to deliver it and enjoy unmatched beauty and health that makes an impression as you save money on the cost of water
Water Audit
Water is precious to all living things, especially plants.Lawns and shrubs that aren’t receiving enough water are easy to spot but lasting solutions require training and experience. JubileeScape associates are trained to know why plants don’t receive the water they need and how to solve it. They assess each landscape with a water audit that guides them to the most efficient solution. The audit takes into account soil types, types of plants, grasses and shrubs, design and condition of existing irrigation systems, operation and timing of sprinklers, root depths and control systems. Solutions may be as simple as using the proper mulch to preserve water.
Construction and Installation
JubileeScape associates install irrigation designs prepared by other organizations as well as those prepared by JubileeScape associates. Plans should include the system design, installation information, specifications and materials. All buried components should be identified so they can be located if necessary in the future. When installing designs by other firms, JubileeScape associates review the plans and the sites and suggest any changes that will make the installation better (such as avoiding damage to tree roots) or easier to access for routine maintenance.
JubileeScape associates have the knowledge and experience to install sprinkler, drip and micro- sprinkler systems. Small things make a big difference in reliability and performance. PVC pipe is buried 8 to 18 inches deep to avoid damage from maintenance equipment and freezing. Pipes installed above ground are thick-walled PVC, copper or galvanized steel. JubileeScape associates paint PVC pipe installed above ground to protect it from damage by ultra-violet light.
Another way JubileeScape associates prevent freeze damage is by installing low pressure drain valves at the lowest points. In clay soils they take time to dig a hole beneath the drain point and fill it with gravel to prevent clay from blocking the drainage.
Control valves are located in a buried valve box with an easily accessed cover. All wiring used is rated for burial applications. A final checklist includes such items as checking the coverage areas of sprinklers and making sure the right nozzles are installed and functioning properly. JubileeScape associates run-test the entire system.
Irrigation Maintenance
Checks for signs of problems with irrigation systems are routine parts of JubileeScape maintenance services. Signs of problems can be constantly moist areas, erosion or dry patches. Problems are reported to managers or owners before repairs are made. Upon request, JubileeScape associates will run irrigation systems to make sure they are operating properly.
JubileeScape associates use modern equipment to test for electrical faults in wires and components and to diagnose many problems before they happen.
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